Wednesday, July 27, 2011

SAD Lamps

SAD Lamps - Tips For Using SAD Lamps
Treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can be simple, effective and inexpensive. Mostly, people who suffer from seasonal depression are reacting to the lack of sunshine available during the winter months. The following are tips used to relieve suffers from the winter blues. One thing is for certain, sitting in front of a special light box for the entire day is just not true. The maximum time needed for even the most severe cases is only two hours of exposure.

There are different light therapy units available to alleviate symptoms of SAD. Additional units are alarm clocks that simulate the dawn, known as dawn simulators. Also, there are salt lamps that provide natural ions. If a light therapy patient has the opportunity to get exposure to the sun outdoors, there is less time needed to sit in front of these special lights to overcome the seasonal depression.

The combination of light intensity of the unit (in lux units), the distance that the user sits from the light source, the time spent outdoors exposed to natural light and the severity of the depression will all determine how long the sufferer will need to sit in front of the light box or lamp.

There are some setbacks to light therapy, however. Some people have experienced headaches, nausea and skin rashes after exposing themselves to the high-intensity specialized bulbs. Most of the time, this is remedied by moving farther away from the light source or reducing the amount of time exposed to the lamp per day. In addition, people who have photosensitive skin conditions or are taking photo-sensitizing medication or herbs shouldn't use light therapy to treat SAD.

A majority of patients using light therapy have noted that symptoms started to abate after the third or fourth exposure to these specialized lamps. Start out in thirty minute increments, until you notice your symptoms starting to go away.